Though Hunter managed to give temporary reprieve to the unstylish, yet oh so practical necessity that is the Wellington, nobody has quite managed to combine sublime comfort and style, until now that is.
Enter däv, a luxury foot wear company who’ve pretty much nailed it. Not only do little touches like fur lining, shock absorbing cushioning and adjustable fit panels make wearing them akin to walking on new-born clouds, there’s a däv for every outfit. In fact, some styles don’t actually look like wellies. We kid you not...
One of their innovations is such an amazing idea, we can’t believe that nobody’s addressed the issue sooner, HOWEVER, the pictures of this groundbreaking invention are on a computer far, far away from us right now, and so will appear in tomorrow’s blog post instead. If you’re ending the summer with one of the upcoming festivals, make sure you head back, as festivals will never be the same again.
The pictures we can show you will back up the whole style and comfort paragraph from earlier. Take the Equestrian wellies, despite being 100% waterproof, they are also 100% stylish and are the spitting image of their high-end, riding boot counterparts. The quilted Victorian wellies feature quilting, obviously, and ribbon gilding to an entirely functional and insanely comfortable piece of footwear.
Forget about blisters, forget about cold feet, forget about suffering for beauty, and forget about splashing out over £80 for a pair of Hunters, all you need to remember is the name däv, that we have them in store, and that you want them. That and to visit tomorrow when we reveal THE BEST FESIVAL WELLY OF ALL TIME!
Happy Thursday,
Resurrection x
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